Archive for July, 2008



July 30, 2008



TWD – Summer Fruit Galette

July 29, 2008

For this week Michelle from Michelle in Colorado Springs selected Summer Fruit Galette on pages 366 – 367

This recipe, like so many of Dorie’s recipes for the masses, was super easy.  And I mean that in a good way.  While I do love a good challenge every once and a while that takes my whole day (or several) to reach tasty goodness, a nice simple recipe is lovely for day to day.

You start out with Dorie’s Good For Almost Everything pie crust.  Just need a food processor.  Don’t have to drag out the mixer.  I say drag because my oh-so-light KitchenAid is stored in the basement due to lack of counter space, so when I can grab an in-the-kitchen appliance it’s like Christmas, but I digress…

The crust came together beautifully (as always) so it was onto the custard.  Now custard here seems to be a loose interpretation.  In my mind (which is a frightening place) custard is very thick and very high in eggs.  This one, however, was looser, i guess is the best word, and contains only 1 egg… but hey, what do I know.  Maybe a custard is defined by the ingredients, not the quantity of ingredients.  Don’t care, damn tasty anyway.

For the fruit topping, Dorie’s suggested apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums or rhubarb, but… I’m a tad bit picky about cooked fruit.  On a whole I find it repugnant.  The only exceptions to this are berries.  And not all berries.  Cherries? Gross.  But blackberries, raspberries and blueberries? Delish!  On their own or any mixture of the three and I’m there.

I did my assembly a little differently than the directions say.  You’re supposed to put the fruit down then add the custard once it has cooked for a bit.  Well, from reading other peoples’ comments on the TWD blog, several people had overflow issues, so I opted to put my custard down, then my fruit.  It still came out very well!  If I make it again, I think I’ll try the confectioner’s cream I used with my DB Danish Bread and see how that works!

Pics will be on in the morning as I’m for bed as it’s almost midnight!

Happy baking!


TWD – Chocolate Pudding

July 17, 2008

…or not.

This week’s recipe came from Melissa from Its Melissas Kitchen. She has picked… Chocolate pudding! You can find it on pg. 383.

I tried to make this pudding twice.  Once on Tuesday (I like to bake on Tuesday since it is Tuesdays with Dorie) and once on Wednesday.  But… the little bun in my oven did not appreciate the smell of boiling milk.  Rebelled both times.

I tried to persuade said bun with the information that the end product would be CHOCOLATE, but…

The bun would have none.

Better luck next week!


TWD – Blue (Black) Berry Pie

July 8, 2008
slant shot

For TWD this week Amy of South in Your Mouth selected Double Crusted Blueberry Pie on pages 361-363.  I had fully planned to make a blueberry pie and have it for the 4th of July, you know for the whole red white and blue thing.  But alas, when I went to Sam’s to get cookout supplies, they had no blueberries 😦

But they did have blackberries, which are equally yummy!

The crust came together beautifully.  God bless a food processor… and the filling is a no-fuss, no-cooking breeze!

precooking shot
post-cooking shot

The only snag I ran into is the liquid.  Blackberries, as it turns out, are QUITE a bit juicier than a blueberry.  This resulted in a very, shall we say, moist pie.  So moist, that it spilled out of the slits and onto my pants in route to 4th festivities…

Not to be thwarted by a pie, upon arrival, I did what any sane (haha) person would do and simply tipped my pie sideways and drained the excess liquid into the grass >.>

The pie was still a bit damp, but still quite tasty.  My pop even said it was just like his mother’s which is high praise indeed.

So, blueberry or blackberry, this pie’s a keeper (just mind your liquid if you go black… I’m guessing more flour… or maybe go with cornstarch)

Looks a bit more like cobbler than pie...

Looks a bit more like cobbler than pie...



July 3, 2008

positive stick
